Trouble - Part 5

Scripture Reading - Psalms 3:1-3 KJV

1 LORD, how are they increased that trouble me! many are they that rise up against me.
2 Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. Selah.
3 But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.

Greetings fellow believer in the Mighty Name of Jesus today’s lesson will continue to speak on the subject of “Trouble”. In our first lesson we spoke on being in “trouble” because of disobedience to God. This is the same thing as saying all people are in “trouble” when they are walking contrary to God’s Word. Yes, the “trouble” may not always be physical because mental problems are “troubling” just as much as financial problems are “troubling” too. We also spoke on “Trouble – Part 2”. In that lesson we highlighted that many people are in “trouble” without knowing why they are in “trouble” or what to do when they’re in “trouble”. In those instances when you don’t know what to do next, our best advice is to call upon the “Name of the Lord Jesus Christ” and He will hear your call, then proceed to help you out of your “trouble”. In Trouble – Part 3” we touched on when “trouble” comes to you for no-fault of your own. We mentioned in those cases look upon the face of God (His Holy Word) to see what God has promised you then believe God for His Deliverance according to His Word. In “Trouble – Part 4” we taught on dealing with certain people who cause trouble. You can either walk away from “troublemakers” or deal with them in the Light of God’s Word. Since God’s Light always overcomes Satan’s darkness we can always prevail over “troublemakers”. In this lesson we will teach on handling “spiritual trouble”. When we (ihlcc) mention “spiritual trouble” we are specifically speaking about the spiritual realm where evil spirits abide. Far too many Christians don’t deal with these entities effectively for two main reasons. Number One – Many Believers are ignorant about the operation of evil spirits in relationship to men upon the earth or (Number Two) plenty of Christians are ignorant about their authority over evil spirits in this earth through the Name of Jesus. These Christian individuals have never been taught that evil spirits are working against us to frustrate our lives. Yes, we (ihlcc) didn’t receive any teaching on dealing with wicked spirits in our younger days at church and if you don’t hear about these entities in church you are left with the world’s representation of evil spirits. The world system (ungodly media via movies, television and internet) would have people believe that evil is much stronger than good so there is nothing the average person can do against it or about it. Yes, in popular horror movies the evil spirits typically dominate the people they are terrorizing. However, according to God’s Word this type is teaching is false. The devil wants man to believe that his evil power cannot be challenged or overcome but indeed it can. If you remember 1 John 4:3-4 KJV that states: “And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” The Holy Bible is very clear on this subject that the Power of God is much more greater than the power of the devil. This is not a matter of almost equal strength but God is just a little stronger. No, Jesus said in Luke 11:20a KJV that He cast out devils with the finger of God which means He didn’t even need to use His arm muscles or His body muscles. Basically Jesus was stating the finger of God represents the authority of God. When you want someone to do something you may point to them and then speak to them and after that you might point to where you would have them to go. In those cases you are exercising your right to speak and your authority to give an order. This is not about what you can do in your own strength but rather what you want (instruct, command, tell) the other person to do based on your authority to make the decision. Also in Mark 16:17 Jesus said those that believe in His Name would cast out devils (demons, evil entities). Therefore we can confidently declare that Jesus has power and authority over all evil spirits and we can boldly and confidently declare that you as a child of God have that same authority over the devil, his demons or even the wicked spirits of men. Yes, we like to say you have ultimate authority in Jesus Christ because you are a child of God using His Name (The Name of Jesus). The key point we are trying to make is that you must speak against evil thoughts (“troubles”) that come against you, those evil thoughts are trouble but it is your spiritual responsibility to uphold the Word of God specifically to bring God’s Will on the scene. Yes, if you are dealing with sickness you must resist the sickness by speaking “I am healed by the stripes of Jesus”. You must talk to what is troubling you from a position of authority and strength even when your body might be feeling weak or abnormal. This is how we walk by faith and not by sight (feelings). Yes, if you need to have more money come into your possession you must stand against thoughts that you are poor and you will always be in lack. Instead, resist those “troubling thoughts” by speaking out loud to yourself, “I am rich in Christ Jesus and God is showing me how to be prosperous.” One amazing thing about God is that He is always ready to respond because He Is always here with us. For I AM is forever among us! We must deal with “spiritual trouble” in the Name of Jesus and the Holy Word of God concerning the area that is “troubling” you. Once you gain the accurate knowledge of God’s Will (the promises, the victory, the blessing) you will grow in confidence to speak boldly to the “spiritual trouble” that it must go in the Name of Jesus. Then quote God’s Word, remind yourself and the circumstance that God’s Word is true for you and your household. Speak forth whatever promise/scripture you are believing in your heart in the Name of Jesus. It is when you humbly submit to God’s Word (His Will) that you can resist the “spiritual trouble” and then it must flee from you according to James 4:7. Christian’s should never be so foolish as to ignore “trouble (problems, evil reports)” because that won’t do anything against the “trouble”. If someone comes into your house and starts causing “trouble” wouldn’t you kick them out of your house for your family’s sake and peace of mind? How much more should we do this for our Awesome God! The Lord Jesus and our Heavenly Father are truly among us so we must cast out all wickedness and evil influences to keep our temple clean, peaceful, holy and well prepared for the Throne of God in our hearts. Just as Jesus cleansed the Temple of God in Jerusalem (Matthew 21:12,13) we must do likewise to keep all “spiritual troubling evil entities” from having free range or reign in our mind. We are the temple of the Holy Ghost so let Him reign in us by not allowing any evil spirit to dominate our thinking but rather be filled with God’s Word, God’s Love and God’s Thoughts according to the Holy Bible. So dealing with “spiritual trouble” is resisting it in the Name of Jesus by commanding it to leave and receiving the promise of God by confessing it into existence through believing it in your heart and speaking it forth from your mouth. Just remember man needs God’s help so don’t be faint hearted or fearful just operate in God’s Knowledge and God’s Love because the love of God will cast out all fear (1 John 4:18) and the knowledge of God’s Word will create a foundation of understand that cannot be moved by any “spiritual trouble”. Amen!